Dr. 保罗Twigg


Office: THMH 108A套房    Phone: (308) 865-8881   |    Email: twiggp@vapthree.com

Dr. 保罗Twigg



  • 植物分子生物学


  • B.S. (1987) - Indiana University (Pennsylvania)
  • PhD. (1993) -田纳西大学


  • Sigma Xi


  • Twigg P. G.  1993.  Isolation of a nodule-specific cDNA encoding a putative glycine-rich protein from 赤杨皮需.  Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 144 pp.


  • 佩尔维斯•,是pml - q Z.孔特雷拉斯,J.选B.林登伯格,J.H.陈,D。.张,Q.,王,C., Twigg P.萨利姆,M.  2020.  Root microbiome changes with root branching order and root chemistry in peach rhizosphere soil.  Rhizospere  http://doi.org/10.1016/j.rhisph.2020.100249
  • Pingault L.帕尔默,纽约州.A.Koch, K.G.亨莫斯,T.布拉德肖,J.D.塞拉维利,J., Twigg P.路易斯·J., & Sarath G.  2020.  Differential defense responses of upland and lowland switchgrass cultivars to a cereal aphid pest.  Int. J. Mole. Sci.  http://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/21/7966
  • Koch, K.G.帕尔默,纽约州.A.Donze-Reiner, T.,史高丽,E.D.塞拉维利,J.阿蒙森,K., Twigg P., 路易斯,我.布拉德肖,D.亨莫斯,T., & Sarath G.  2020.  Aphid-responsive defense networks in hybrid switchgrass.  植物科学前沿  http://doi.org/10.3389 /国家贫困线以下.2020.01145
  • Zogli P.K.阿尔瓦雷斯,S.纳德雷特,M.J.帕尔默,纽约州.A.,科克,K.G.L.布拉德肖,J.D., Twigg P., Heng-Moss T.路易斯·J., & Sarath G.  2020.  Greenbug (Schizaphis graminum) herbivory significantly impacts protein and phosphorylation abundance in switchgrass (黍virgatum).  NatureResearch 科学报告  10:14842.  http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-71828-8
  • 萨利姆,米.,渗透,Z.孔特雷拉斯,J.林登伯格,J.选B.陈,D。.张,Q.,王,C.伊克巴尔,J., & Twigg P.  2020.  Cover crop diversity improves multiple soil properties via altering root architectural traits.  根际  http://doi.org/10.1016/j.rhisph.2020.100248
  • 史卡利,E.D.格雷斯,T.帕尔默,纽约州. A.萨拉特,G.范奈尔-哈里斯,D. L.贝尔德,L., Twigg P., Seravelli J.Clemente, T. E., & 解决,年代.  2018.  过度的 SbMyb60 in 高粱二色的 impacts both primary and secondary metabolism.  新植醇. 217:82-104.
  • 帕默,N. A.萨特霍夫,A. J.,史高丽,E. D.托比亚斯,C. M., Twigg P.S . Madhavan.Schmer, M.卡洪,R.萨特勒,S. E., Edme, S. J.米切尔,R. B., & Sarath G.  2017.  Seasonal below-ground metabolism in switchgrass.  植物J  92:1059-1075.
  • Wang, H.,张,C., Dou, Y., Yu, B.刘毅.亨莫斯,T. M., Lu, G.沃霍兹,M.布拉德肖,J. D., Twigg P.,史高丽,E.帕尔默,纽约州. & Sarath G.  2017.  Insect and plant-derived miRNAs in greenbug (Schizaphis graminum)及黄蔗蚜(Sipha黄颜色).  Gene  599:68-77
  • Donze-Reiner T.帕尔默,纽约州. A.,史高丽,E. D.,普罗查斯卡,T. J.Koch, K. G.亨莫斯,T.布拉德肖,J. D., Twigg P.阿蒙森,K.萨特勒,S. E. & Sarath G.  2017.  Transcriptional analysis of defense mechanisms in upland tetraploid switchgrass to greenbugs.  BMC植物生物学 17:46.
  • 史卡利,E. D.Donze-Reiner, T.王,H.埃克霍夫,T. E.巴克斯代尔,F., Twigg P.科瓦奇,F.亨莫斯,T.萨特勒,S. E. & Sarath G.  2016.  Identification of an orthologous clade of peroxidases that respond to feeding by greenbugs (Schizaphis graminum) in C4 grasses.  功能植物生物学   43(12):1134-1148.
  • 史卡利,E. D.格雷斯,T.萨拉特,G.帕尔默,纽约州. A.贝尔德,L.塞拉皮利亚,M. J.B. S.博阿滕,A. A., Ge, Z.范奈尔-哈里斯,D. L., Twigg P.Clemente, T. E. & 解决,年代. E.  2016.  过度的 SbMyb60 impacts phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and alters secondary cell wall composition in 高粱二色的.  植物杂志  85(3):378-395
  • Ramm, C.沃霍兹,M.阿蒙森,K., Donze, T.亨莫斯,T., Twigg P.帕尔默,纽约州. A.萨拉特,G. & 巴克辛德尔、F.  2015.  Transcriptional profiling of resistant and susceptible buffalograsses in response to Blissus occiduus (半翅目:飞蛾科)摄食.   经济昆虫学杂志  108(3):1354-1362.
  • Saathoff,. J.M . Soundararajan.沃格尔,K. P.托比亚斯,C. M., Twigg P. & Sarath G.  2014.   A new simple method for labeling field crops with stable isotope tracers.  澳大利亚作物科学杂志  8(12):1625-1631.
  • 帕默,N.A.萨特霍夫,A. J.托比亚斯,C. M., Twigg P.夏阳.沃格尔,K. P.S . Madhavan.萨特勒,S. E.萨拉特,G.  2014.  Contrasting metabolism in perenniating structures of upland and lowland switchgrass plants late in the growing season.  《最大的菠菜的平台》 9(8):10.1371 /杂志.pone.0105138
  • 帕默,N.A.萨特霍夫,A. J.沃特斯,B. M., Donze, T.亨莫斯,T., Twigg P.托比亚斯,C. M.萨拉特,G.  2014.  Global changes in mineral transporters in tetraploid switchgrasses (黍virgatum).  Fron. In Pl. Sci.: Pl. Nutr. 4:1-12.
  • Donze T., Qu, F., Twigg P.莫里斯,T. J.  2014.  Turnip crinle virus coat protein inhibits the basal immune response to virus invasion in Arabidopsis by binding to the NAC transcription factor TIP.  病毒学 449:207-214.
  • Ramm, C.萨特霍夫,A., Donze, T.亨莫斯,T.巴克斯代尔,F., Twigg P.贝尔德,L.阿蒙森,K.  2013.  Expression profiling of four defense-related buffalograss transcripts in response to chinch bug (半翅目:飞蛾科)摄食.  J. Econ. Entomol. 106:2568-2576.
  • Kovacs F.A.萨拉特,G.伍德沃斯,K., Twigg P.托比亚斯,C. M.  2013.  Abolishing activity against ascorbate in a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase from switchgrass.  植物化学 94:45-52.
  • Wachholz, M.亨莫斯,T., Twigg P.贝尔德,L., Lu, G.阿蒙森,K.  2013.  Transcriptome analysis of two buffalograss cultivars.  BMC基因组学 14:613-625.
  • Saathoff,.J., Donze, T.帕尔默,纽约州. A.布拉德肖,J.亨莫斯,T., Twigg P.托比亚斯,C. M.拉格里米尼,M.萨拉特,G.  2013.  Towards uncovering the roles of switchgrass peroxidases in plant processes. Fron. In Pl. Sci.: Pl. Biotech. 4:1-12.
  • Saathoff,.J.哈格罗夫,M. S.Haas, E. J.托比亚斯,C. M., Twigg P.萨特勒,S.萨拉特,G.  2012.  Switchgrass PviCAD1: understanding residues important for substrate preferences and activity.  Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol 168:1086-1100.
  • 帕默,N.A.萨特霍夫,A. J.Kim, J.本森,A.托比亚斯,C. M., Twigg P.沃格尔,K. P.S . Madhavan.萨拉特,G.  2012.  Next-generation sequencing of crown and rhizome transcriptome from an upland, tetraploid switchgrass.  生物能源研究 5:649-661.
  • Babaian C. and Twigg P.  2011.  The power of plants: introducing ethnobotany & 生物课上的生物爱好.  美国生物老师 73(4):217-221.
  • Saathoff,. J.托比亚斯,C. M.萨特勒,S. E.Haas, E. J., Twigg P.萨拉特,G.  2011.  Switchgrass contains two cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenases involved in lignin formation.  生物能源研究 4(2):120-133.
  • Gutsche,.亨莫斯,T.萨拉特,G., Twigg P.夏阳., Lu, G.和D .莫宁韦格.  2009.  Gene expression profiling of tolerant barley in response toDiuraphis noxia (半翅目:蚜虫科)取食.  Bulletin of Entomological Research 99:163-173.
  • 托拜厄斯,C.M.萨拉特,G., Twigg P.林德奎斯特,E.彭吉利南,J.,拉佐,G.彭宁,B.Barry, K.  2008.  Comparative genomics in switchgrass using 61,585 high-quality expressed sequence tags.  植物基因组 1:111-124.
  • Gopalasubramniam,年代.科瓦奇,F.维奥兰塔-莫塔,F., Twigg P.阿雷丹多-彼得,R.萨拉特,G.  2008.  Cloning and characterization of a caesalpinoid (Chamaecrista下方)蛋白质 72:252-260.
  • 沃格尔J. P., Gu, Y. A., Twigg P., Lazo, G. R.laudencia - chingcuco, D.海登,D. M., Donze, T. J.维维安,L. A.斯塔莫娃,B.科尔曼-德尔(Coleman-Derr)博士.  2006.  EST sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the model grass Branchypodium distachyon理论与应用遗传学 113(2):186-195.
  • 托拜厄斯,C.M.海登,D. M., Twigg P.萨拉特,G.  2006.  Genic microsatellite markers derived from EST sequences of switchgrass ( 黍virgatumL.).  Mol. Ecol. Notes 6:185-187.
  • 托拜厄斯,C. M., Twigg P.海登,D. M.沃格尔,K. P.米切尔,R. M.,拉佐,G. R.周,E. K.萨拉特,G.  2005.  Analysis of expressed sequence tags and the identification of associated short tandem repeats in switchgrass.  理论与应用遗传学 111(5):956-964.
  • 西蒙森R. L., and Twigg P. G.  1999.  Cloning and sequencing of a glutamine synthetase cDNA (Accession No. AF169795) 胡桃黑质. (pgr99 - 144).  植物生理学 121:313.
  • Oh, B. S., Twigg P. G.洪杰. S.穆林,B. C.a, C. S.  1997.  nif V相邻于 nif HDK in Frankia 应变FaC1.  Physiologia杆菌 99(4):707-713.
  • Pawlowski K., Twigg P. G.多布里斯塔,S. V.关,G.-H.穆林,B. C.  1997.  一个结节特异性基因家族来自 赤杨皮需 encodes glycine and histidine-rich proteins expressed in the early stages of actinorhizal nodule development.  Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 10:656-664.
  • 穆林,B. C.goettingminesky, P., and Twigg P.  1993.  Differential gene expression in the development of actinorhizal root nodules.  Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture 17:309-314.
  • 穆林,B. C.斯文森,S. M., Twigg P.Goetting-Minesky, P.  1992.  Application of molecular analyses to questions relating to the genetics, ecology and evolution of actinorhizal symbioses. 第123-128页 Plant Biotechnology and Development (P编辑). M. Gresshoff). CRC出版社,博卡拉顿,佛罗里达州.
  • An, C. S., Twigg P.利根,J. M.穆林,B. C.  1990.  nifH, D, K是连续的 Frankia 应变FaCl. 第324-xxx页 Nitrogen Fixation: Achievements and Objectives (P编辑). M. Gresshoff L. E. Roth, G. Stacey, & W. Newton.